Campus Umeå is the main campus of Umeå university.
At Campus Umeå you will find four institutions belonging to Umeå University, all with different orientations.
Umeå School of Business, Economics and statistics (USBE) educates future statisticians and economists. About 1 500 people are studying programs or independent courses – often with an international focus. USBE describes themselves as an international environment where they educate the future leaders of both the local and the global society.
Umeå university are one of the three National Sports Universities. Umeå School of Sport Sciences are the center of this and offers a sports related education with many orientations, even for high level athletes. Sports research are conducted at several different institutions; mainly within Sports Education, Sports Psychology and Sports Medicine.
Umeå School of Education gather all teacher education programs at Umeå University. The education programs are wide-ranging, from elementary levels to higher educational levels and includes preschools, high-schools, vocational teachers, guidance counsellors, special needs teachers and special educators. Umeå School of Education offer further education for professional teachers, and is conducting research within the field of educational science.
The Department of Food, Nutrition and Culinary Science are conducting education and research within the field of food and meals.