Sävar - a central community close to nature

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In Sävar you can live close to recreation in a locality with a various kind of services, functional communications and a strong civic and business society – a central community close to nature as an alternative to city or rural living. Proposed development gives more people the opportunity to settle in Sävar at the same time as the identity is sustained as central community focused on nature, recreation and cultural history.

The proposed comprehensive plan secures capacity for another 6000 inhabitants in Sävar in the long term. This entails an increasing need for service and therefore preschools, schools, recreational areas and various kinds of services are planned. A future travel centre including railroad station improves possibilities for public transportation and gives together with a future business area good conditions for development of local businesses.

In addition, the importance of the river Sävarån for the identity of Sävar as well as recreation and nature experiences is secured.

Future Sävar is developed south of railroad and highway E4

The largest part of future housing development is planned south of the future railroad and highway E4 – as many as 4.500 people may live here in the future.

Directly south of highway and railroad 4–6 stories apartment buildings are planned. The proximity to the travel centre suits higher housing development including business areas. At Krutbrånet a slightly lower housing development is planned with a mix of terraced houses and apartment buildings. Krutbrånet is valuable in a cultural history perspective, which entails further investigations before development starts. South of Krutbrånet and east along the road to Ivarsboda and Skeppsvik areas for detached or terraced buildings are planned. Also, a larger investigation area for housing is suggested south of road E4 at grounds now mainly used for forest industry research. In a long-term perspective this area is interesting for housing development in proximity with railroad station. To make recreation areas available and ease every-day travel, good connections are needed between planned housing areas, from these areas to existing community, travel centre and along and crossing Sävarån.

Travel centre centrally situated in Sävar

The City of Umeå recommend the future railroad Norrbotniabanan situated in proximity to road E4, where the new Sävar travel centre is established to connect existing community with new housing south of railroad and road E4. The travel centre shall be a safe and pleasant place, where residents and visitors like to spend time. Public meeting facilities, shops and services is preferably located together with the travel centre to meet visions of a vivid area.

More housing and businesses in current Sävar

In current community densifying of existing housing areas is positively considered to meet future housing needs. This is especially interesting in the community centre, near future travel centre and at the old saw mill area near the bridge Maskinåbron, since these locations promote street life and strengthen services in central Sävar. The area between existing community centre and future railroad station is developed into a cohesive central passage with apartment and business buildings.

Supplement with housing areas and detached houses

Both east and west of existing community new housing areas are suggested with a mix of terraced houses and apartment buildings. These areas supplement current structure and give a much-needed addition of housing. Along the roads Tomterna, Granvägen and Strandvägen existing housing can be supplemented with detached houses. Where it fits the surroundings, also terraced houses or smaller apartment buildings are enabled.

More business areas for business development

Locations for additional businesses are suggested within the new western business area. This area is situated in a traffic-oriented location near the southern interchange at road E4 and is suitable for small-size industries.

Green areas and streams important for a good living environment

Nature, cultural history and recreation values are important aspects in a good living environment in Sävar now and in the future. Sävarån with surroundings is especially important and is suggested to be developed as green connection and area for recreation and outdoor activities considering existing values. The Sävarån tributaries Öxbäcken, Pålböleån and Armsjöbäcken are also proposed to be developed as green connections. The farmland Pålböleområdet as well as the northern sports area are proposed to be developed as important parts of Sävar’s future green structure, where the sports area also has a function as a local meeting point.

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